phone: 0345 55 21 888
Kurt-Mothes-Str. 1
06120 Halle (Saale)
Welcome on the web site of IT Service Center (ITZ) of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Since December 1st, 2012 the IT Service Center provides various service features for both professionals and students. As a central service provider ITZ covers the technical infrastructure and its individual utilization.
ITZ unifies the central IT service provider of the university administration and the university data center. This fusion implies a corporate structure, a corporate location at Weinberg campus, a service point at the central university campus and a corporate internet web site.
Latest news is covered by the ITZ Blog and the increasing content on the ITZ web site. Hereby ITZ supervises the collaboration and informs users broadly.
The ITZ helpdesk as a first level support may assist you directly with many questions. If necessary it refers your request to the appropriate staff. Our helpdesk is first source of call concerning IT questions and problems. You may contact the ITZ by the filling in one of the contact forms.